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What is Penn State UNA-USA up to?


This past Thursday Penn State UNA-USA hosted DaysForGirls and Gender Equity Coalition to discuss SDG #5: Gender Equality! DaysForGirls discussed current inequities experienced by menstrators both domestically and internationally as well as sustainable period products that can be used as alternatives to the current plastic products widely used today. Their presentation led to a discussion about women's health and how we can work to destigmatize conversations about menstration. The Gender Equity Coaliation spoke to our members about sexual violence, reproductive rights, and intersectionality. They also educated our members on the differences between equality and equity, an important distinction. Next meeting, we will be exploring SDG #4: Quality Education!

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Tonight a few of our members were able attend the Central Pennsylvania UNA-USA chapter's UN Day Celebration! Held at the Foxdale Village Auditorium in State College and featured several speakers, in cluding Penn State's own Hubert Humphrey Fellows! Presentations throughout the night included:

  • UN Entities in Mongolia

  • Sustainable Development Goals in Chile

  • Pamir Mountains World Heritage

  • UN's impact in Gambia

  • Uzbekistan and Bolivia in the UN

Our members had a great time and got to meet so many community members aligned with our goals. We are so thankful from the support we receive from the Central PA Chapter and Dr. Frank Ahern, and look forward to more events together soon!

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Last week our own President, Natalie Meriwether, presented at the GBM on SDGs #1 and #3. Currently, her research, part of a project that has been run through Penn State for several years, focuses on food and water insecurity in rural Kenya. The general body heard about the history of the project, past and current humanitarian efforts, and current climatic conditions that have exacerbated water and food insecurity. We also spent some time learning about the cultural traditions of these communities as well as the current status of education. These were important to discuss as to be able to properly learn about and examine the food and water insecurity in this region. Yielding, arguably, our best roundtable to date, the GBM was a great success and we learned so much about the interconnected nature of climate, culture, and water and food resources.

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